Lilydale, VIC 3140

$12M Project Management Services

Restoration of existing main dwelling being a Medical Clinic and construction of two new dwellings which includes a Pharmacy and Dental Clinic.

Consisting of the following:
* Reception Area
* Medical Rooms x24
* Specialist Rooms x4
* Dentist Rooms x4
* Board Room x1
* Audiology x1
* Children's Play Room x1
* Physiotherapy x1
* Psychology x1
* Aged Care Assessment Room x1
* Massage Therapy Room x1
* Staff Lock Up Room x1
* Kitchen x1
* Staff Toilets x4 (F) and x4 (M)
* Client Toilets x2 (F) and x2 (M) including 1x disabled toilet

Scope of Project Management Services:
* Engagement of specialist consultants ie: Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, Stormwater Drainage Designer, etc
* To undertake a review of the Development Application (DA) documentation submitted to Council to identify whether there is any other information that should have been included in the DA submission to minimize the number of DA consent conditions.

In most instances, DA consent conditions must be addressed prior to the preparation of documentation for Construction Certification (CC). As such, the CC process takes longer to complete.

The scope of Project Management Services to be provided are outlined below:
* Obtain fee proposal from qualified contractors such as Architect, Landscape Architect, Surveyors, Stromwater Drainage Designer, Engineers;
* Undertake a review of the DA documentation submitted to Council and provide a report outlining the way forward;
* Work closely with Owner to develop a detailed project plan, project schedule, and budget that identifies the required outcomes and deliverables based on a realistic timeline;
* Identify potential issues as well as addressing any issues that arises by recommending possible options available to mitigate them.

Project timeframe of 24 months from planning to construction with a budget of $12m.

Property Info
